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Project Team

Jorge GuzmanAssistant Professor, Columbia Business School

Jorge Guzman

Assistant Professor, Columbia Business School

RJ AndrewsVisualization Lead, Founder, Info We Trust

RJ Andrews

Visualization Lead, Founder, Info We Trust

Catherine FazioResearch Affiliate, MIT Innovation Initiative. Lecturer, Boston University Questrom School of Business

Catherine Fazio

Research Affiliate, MIT Innovation Initiative. Lecturer, Boston University Questrom School of Business

Yupeng LiuResearch Associate, Columbia Business School

Yupeng Liu

Research Associate, Columbia Business School


This work has benefited from a wide range of feedback and comments.  We would specifically acknowledge including our work with Columbia University and the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program.  We would like to thank Sarah Jane Maxted, Phil Budden, Bill Aulet, Travis Hunter and Travis Holes, as well as all of our REAP stakeholder teams, for their insight and suggestions.  We would like to thank Jane Wu for website development.  

We also acknowledge and thank Columbia University and the Kauffman Foundation for the generous fundings and their support of our research agenda, including the Uncommon Methods and Metrics Grant and the Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship, as well as the Jean Hammond (1986) and Michael Krasner (1974) Entrepreneurship Fund and the Edward B. Roberts (1957) Entrepreneurship Fund at MIT.